PERFORMANCES (selection)
Atlas remnants - 1 to 7. In the time of art as the lackey and a selfie. Brussels & Antwerp 2013-14
Zlata Zvezda Hrabrosti. SCULPTUURPARC BXL, Parc de Bruxelles, Brussels 2014
Walking Star. Heavens Gate square, Beijing, People's Republic of China 2012
M. drives a funeral car. Passport 1 & 2. CO21, Brussels 2009
Necrophiliac, psycho-racist & hypochondriac. Logement, Antwerp and Bureau du Port, Brussels 2009
Politix + Bizness = NO. BOZART, Brussels 2008
Words or Bullets. Breughels view / Commitment, Mechelen 2007
Shit is gold & gold is shit. Staalkaart, Gent 2006
Paris Opera. RHoK - Academie Beeldende Kunsten, Brussels 2005
Free Spirit Fighters. Oostende 2005
Only force or total openness. Factor 44, Antwerp 2004
Being beyond the pale. Gallery Territorios de Arte e Cultura Contemporanea Africana, Brussels 2004
FART. Off site art fair. Brussels 2002
It's not enough to be social & Because they are losers. Dolle Mol, Brussels 1999
Give me Money! #Money! Buying & seling east & west. MANIFESTA 2, City of Luxembourg 1998
In art dogs eat dogs. Brussels, London and Amsterdam 1997
A Flower For a Signature. City of Luxembourg 1995
It's about communication between people. The rest is technology. Copenhagen, Denmark 1995
Hallmarks of Society. Cafe Europa, Copenhagen, Denmark 1994
61 days proceeding, sociological performance. Qaqortoq, Greenland 1991
Researching the visibility of the invisible matter. Athens, Greece 1990
mixed media - photos
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