'Un cadeau Cartier est unique - Until into devastation'.
In the group exhibition 'Épreuves du désir' organised by L'Observatoire-Galerie & Moving Art Studio, Palais du vin, Brussels, Belgium. Installation, flyer, performance, recitation. 1996
Recitation / flyer
The most inner and profound desire in our souls, is the one for eternal life. A demand for respect. If I am something how can I suddenly be nothing?
All other desires are superficial and sweeten the bitter fear and feeling of mortality. Desiring, conquering and ruthlessly using until into devastation, is the trademark of the masses who fought for LIBERTE, EGALITE, FRATERNITE.
In today's complex and volatile market environment, all our activities are linked by a single competitive philosophy: We use our global presence to exploit opportunities wherever they arise. We harness our expertise and experience to create innovative financial solutions, and we are committed to forming close and lasting relationships with our customers. With it's successful implementation, this creates a sound base for future interaction. It also underscores the desire to be famous, the desire to kill, the desire to escape.
Transformed by mysterious cosmic rays during an experimental space flight, HUMAN TORCH found he could cause his body to burst into flame with but a thought. HUMAN TORCH, vowed to use his power in the service of mankind.
"I had all the answers. Understood the prudent course of action. It took me years to do it, but when I found out the truth - I escaped"
"My body became so intangible, they could no longer keep track of me."
"But for all your knowledge and all your power... You still need me to perform your stupid little experiment!

'Un cadeau Cartier est unique - Until into devastation'.
Åsa Lie & Jadran Sturm page in the exhibition catalogue