Detail from the archive of the Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie Private Stichting

Pilootprojecten Nalatenschappen Kunstenerfgoed / Vlaanderen Department Cultuur, Jeugd en Media, has awarded a generous subsidy to our foundation, the Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie Private Stichting!
Since Oct-24 we are working in cooperation with M HKA - CKV Centrum Kunstarchieven Vlaanderen (The Flemish Centre for Art Archives), AMVB - Archief en museum voor het Vlaams leven te Brussel (Flemish Archive and Museum in Brussels) and Jubilee - platform for artistic research, with presenting the oeuvre, workshops, oral history, digitalisation, development of this website etc.


Åsa Lie (1959) and Jadran Sturm (1957-2019) worked as an artist duo from 1988 until 2016. The foundation aims at preserving and displaying their body of work.


Uitgebreide biografie in het Nederlands. (PDF)


Thursday 13 March 2025, 8pm. Artist talk at MAX - 30 Quai des Charbonnages, 1080 Sint-Jans-Molenbeek.
MAX is a Multidisciplinary artistic community in downtown Brussels. Work space and presentation platform.

2025 Workshop at KASK & Conservatorium Gent

2025 Residency at the Green Corridor, Brussels. ARCHIVE LABORATORY with Åsa Lie and Merzedes Sturm-Lie.

2026 Exhibition at AMVB - Flemish Archive and Museum about life and culture in Brussels


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