We see the sojourn in Qaqortoq and surroundings as the duration of a 61 days proceeding,
sociological performance. Consisting of the communication, discussions and relationships
between us and the community which included such topics as: Kalaallit Nunaats / Greenlands
lacking participation in a global world and the Nordic community. The limited media situation.
The consequences of extremely high prices for daily products and transportation on daily life.
The reality of being a colony. The relationship between Danish immigrant rulers and the
Inuits / Greenlanders. The process which leads to independence.
The myths and symbols of power in the Inuit culture.
The chemistry of the underground and it’s influence on the psyche.
Å. Lie and J. Sturm. Qaqortoq, Kalaallit Nuunat, August 1991

The Weather. Qaqortoq, Kalaallit Nunaat. July 1991. Charcoal and ink drawings on A3 paper.
Kallaalit Nunaat I & II. 1991. Two super-8 films shot in the hinterland of Qaqortoq, Kallaalit Nunaat

Surroundings of Qaqortoq, Kalaallit Nunaat, July-August 1991. Photo collages.