'IN ART DOGS EAT DOGS & MR.CLEAN KNOWS HOW TO FIGHT DIRTY'. 4 UPP performances. Whispers, texts, photo, slides viewer, plastic & paper cards. (UPP: Unofficial Performance Project)
I. Gallery MOT & VAN DEN BOOGAARD, Brussels, Belgium, at the Douglas Gordon opening 25.04.1997
II. Gallery TORCH, Amsterdam, Netherlands, at the Peter Klashorst opening 18.10.1997
III. Gallery DE EXPEDITIE, Amsterdam, Netherlands, at the Keiko Sato opening 18.10.1997
IV. Gallery JAY JOPLING/WHITE CUBE, London, England, at the Andreas Slominski opening 27.10.1997
The performance started in each gallery shortly after we had arrived. One of us went up to individuals and whispered either "In art dogs eat dogs" or "Mr. Clean knows how to fight dirty". The other showed the above image "Whispers" to individuals with a slides viewer. The performance ended with throwing a bunch of green, red and blue plastic cards (as above) in the air, which landed on the floor and were picked up by exhibition visitors. At each event the text included the name of the exhibition artist and gallery in question.