Detail from NORTHERN LIGHT by Åsa Lie and Jadran Sturm was a public intervention at the fish market Vucciria in the old town of Palermo, Sicily in 2006. It included varying combinations of 2 to 5 graphic images, mounted on billboards with the texts Penso, quindi non sono or Zonfuzzion sprayed in red. The 5 images represent light waves that hit an object and partake in new events.5 photo-graphics and 1 photograph 42 x 27,7 cm. (Courtesy of the Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie Private Stichting).

ARBETE - CONSULTING ON MATHEMATICS, TIME & SPACE was the first collaboration between Åsa Lie and Jadran Sturm. This was an installation and performance consisting of a booklet, lamp, TV on a step ladder and a super 8 film projector on an iron construction at Galleri PROJECT in Stockholm, Sweden in 1989. The Swedish word ARBETE means ″work″. The images in the booklet and the super 8 film were shot in Prague in July just before the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the installation, the super 8 film was projected onto the screen of an old TV on top of which the booklet was placed. The artists performed during regular working hours consulting on mathematics, time and space.
At Galerie Stephanie Jaax the booklet and photos documenting the installation were displayed. Booklet and photos in plastic sleeves 82 x 56 cm. (Courtesy of the Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie Private Stichting).

The Lark City - Lärkstaden. The Eurasian skylark with it's songflight announces the coming of the day and guards the passages between life and death. The term Columbarium comes from the Latin columba (dove) and originally referred to compartmentalized housing for doves and pigeons called a dovecote.
Polyptych with text - mixed technique, 175 x 90 cm, 2016 - 2017 by Åsa Lie.

THE FALL, 2015. Painting / detail of installation by Jadran Sturm. Tape, ruler, oil on canvas.

THE FALL of lucifer, of adam and eve, of icarus, of the empires and the vanishing of problems) is the start and the end of a film. We transform energy from one eternity to :::::::: into the darkness of the light. ″Finnegan″ falls to his death from a ladder while constructing a wall, and awakens as the modern family man and pub owner H.C.E. alias for ″Here Comes Everybody″.
Installation with the painting THE FALL (2015), oil on canvas 210 x 100 cm, tape, ruler, and amplifier, microphone, tripod, 2017 by Jadran Sturm.

Merzedes Sturm-Lie in the performance Wir erreichen den Fluss with Jadran Sturm.

Performance text by Merzedes Sturm-Lie
Wir erreichen den Fluss. Documentation of performance by Merzedes Sturm-Lie and Jadran Sturm on the opening night. The video was installed and shown during the rest of the exhibition.
The performance Wir erreichen den Fluss is an intertwining of text, voice, electric guitar sounds and a video projection of an extract from the opera We Come to the River – Wir erreichen den Fluss (1974-76) by German composer Hans Werner Henze.

Exhibition view with the video documentation of the performance Wir erreichen den Fluss by Merzedes Sturm-Lie and Jadran Sturm, the performance text by Merzedes Sturm-Lie and the installation THE FALL by Jadran Sturm.

Vernissage card for the exhibition 1989-2017 by Åsa Lie och Jadran Sturm at Galerie Stéphanie Jaax, Brussels. February-March 2017.
Åsa Lie and Jadran Sturm worked together from 1989 until the end of 2015. The artworks produced during this period are owned by and shown at the courtesy of the Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie Private Stichting. This exhibition included two of their collaborations, as well as new, separately produced pieces from 2016 -17.
Guest artist: Merzedes Sturm-Lie.