VITRINE # 134 - PANAGIA GORGOEPIKOOS @ LUCA, Bibliotheek Sint-Lukas, Brussel, 2022. Exphibition with original research material from 1991-93 for the artist book Panagia Gorgoepikoos, 1993. The book was published in 2021 with the support of Flanders, State of the Art. The exhibition also included the video Birds, 2022 by Åsa Lie made of footage filmed in Copenhagen 1990 and Athens 1993

Panagia Gorgoepikoos, also called Hagios Eleutherios or Mikri Mitropoli, is a small 12th century Byzantine church in the centre of Athens. On the walls of the church there are stone reliefs covering a period of 1500 years, from various times and cultures, mostly from older deconstructed monuments and buildings.
The artist-duo Åsa Lie & Jadran Sturm investigated the history of this church and its relevance through interviews, sound, film and photographic work in 1991-93. In a text, they compare the Byzantine Empire with the European Union, both with a multilingual, multiethnic form of government.
The book Panagia Gorgoepikoos (PDF)
With the support of

The Swedish Art Council (3 months in residence grant 1992)
The Swedish embassy in Athens (project grant 1993)
The Natsios family (1992-93)
The Nordic Library at Athens