Norwegian ruins and Swedish ghosts by Åsa Hjortzberg Lie (2016). Mixed media with b/w photocopy on found poster background, photos, texts, fishing line and baits with hooks.

Guilty Victim. Detail from Norwegian ruins and Swedish ghosts (mixed media) by Åsa Hjortzberg Lie

touche_pas_touche_moi. Detail from Norwegian ruins and Swedish ghosts (photocollage) by Åsa Hjortzberg Lie

Rör (m)ej. Detail from Norwegian ruins and Swedish ghosts (photo) by Åsa Hjortzberg Lie

Detail from Norwegian ruins and Swedish ghosts by Åsa Hjortzberg Lie

The beauty of mathematics, HCE by Jadran Sturm (2014-15). Exhibition view.
The piece The beauty of mathematics includes the mathematical equation 1=0,999... where 1 represents the beginning and 0,999... represents infinity. The sprayed text Erdös & Bacon Numbers refers to a mathematical system in which you are given a certain number depending on how close a relationship you have to Paul Erdős who was a mathematician and to Kevin Bacon who is a film actor.

La Mort dans la Pean, FALL (oil on canvas) by Jadran Sturm (2014-15).

HCE (oil on canvas) by Jadran Sturm (2014-15).
The three paintings La Mort dans la Pean, FALL, HCE by Jadran Sturm are meant as satellites connecting to 'The Fall' (painting exhibited at Galerie Stephanie Jaax).

Invitation image for THE BEAUTY OF MATHEMATICS. A one-day duo exhibition with Åsa Hjortzberg Lie & Jadran Sturm. Hosted and curated by Merzedes Sturm-Lie at Rue Royal 167, Brussels. April 2017.