'The excitement of platonic power or a more simple title' at Gallery Factor 44, Antwerp, Belgium. 25 May to 5 June 2005. Group exhibition curated by Åsa Lie & Jadran Sturm. With works & performances by Mark St. Leonard, Butterknife Krüsh, Sickboy (Jurgen Desmet), Etienne Paquay, Gregor Wright, Marc Rossignol, Odd Nerdrum (virtual), Åsa Lie & Jadran Sturm, Jack the Rapper (Jacques Ambach), Krisha Swiat & Rudi Skotheim Jensen, Miguel Pucci. Exhibition poster by Åsa Lie & Jadran Sturm.

DVD cover for the filmed documentation of performances & works in the expo. See documentary below.
Films by Jadran Sturm & Åsa Lie in this expo:
Damn the nations (2004)
The shortest way (2003). With dancer Krisha Swiat
Lickspittel (2002)
Victorie (2002). Not available online
We are only in it for to fuck you (2000). Not available online